“Amma has done more work than many governments have ever done for their people… her contribution is enormous.” — Prof. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Founder, Grameen Bank

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“Amma is truly such an enormous fountain of energy and love and compassion. I think if all of us were to get even a fraction of it within our own beings, there would be only joy in the whole world… Whatever little I can do with her inspiration, I will strive my best to accomplish it.” — Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 while Dr. Pachauri served as IPCC Chairman)

“I was very struck by how much of what is generated, how much of the money that is mobilized, actually goes and benefits directly those in need. Amma acts on the sponta- neous and instinctive. And that has given a lot of speed and momentum, cut out the bu- reaucracy, and made it possible to inspire people and to move with them to actually pro- vide timely and quality support to those in need. And I think international NGOs and UN agencies have something to learn from the work of Amma and what she has been able to build.” —Olara A. Otunnu, former President, UN Security Council; former Chairman, UN Human Rights Commission

“When I think of Amma and her life of devotion and service, I see a shining example for all of us of the spirit of reverence, compassion and care.” —Dr. Steven C. Rockefeller, PhD, philanthropist, educator, social activist

“Amma presents the kind of leadership we need for our planet to survive. This is the most heroic person I’ve probably ever met. Because she is sitting there hugging people. This is the most heroic thing that any of us could do now. Because shooting each other is not heroic. The most heroic is caring, and she does that.” —Alice Walker, Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction

“By her emphasis on selfless service and charity, Amma will, I believe, hugely influence the future world.” — Brother Dr. Wayne Teasdale, PhD, Catholic monk, former Trustee, Parliament of the World’s Religions